DarkSide DocDB Statistics

This page shows statistics about the Document Database, such as how many Documents, Revisions, and Files are in the DB.

Total number of Documents: 2658
Total number of Revisions: 8178 Number of File Entries: 45925
Total Active Revisions: 5868 Actual number of Files: 32326
Average Versions per Document: 2.21 Average Files per Revision: 5.51
Average Files per Document: 12.16
Number of registered Authors: 386 Number of possible Topics: 270
Authors of one or more Documents: 362 Number of Topics used: 243
Number of Authors on all Revisions: 16830 Number of Topics on all Revisions: 22181
Average Authors per Revision: 2.06 Average Topics per Revision: 2.71
Average Documents per Author: 15.13 Average Documents per Topic: 29.64
Number of Events: 41
Events with Documents: 36
Number of Events for all Revisions: 816
Average Events per Revision: 0.10
Estimated Documents per Event: 6.48
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